Digital Works Las Vegas, NM first class outside the facility while showing off the beautiful horizon.
Las Vegas, New Mexico now houses a new Digital Works facility at Luna Community College. The four-week training program will provide local residents the opportunity to work from home by learning skills from an employer-designed course. The first class is approaching its end as three trainees finish up their job applications. Three students, Nina Scharf, Rebecca Rodriguez-Salazar, and Amanda Roybal have been applying left and right to over 10 different positions and are in the process of scheduling interviews.
Las Vegas, New Mexico is a prime location for a Digital Works facility. The surrounding area is rural and doesn’t have any large businesses or corporations for employment, so people have limited ability to secure work.
Tammy Spring, Operations Manager for Digital Works, supports class instructor, Marena Drlik, and will help choose candidates for the next class starting January 8, 2018. Spring also assists with curriculum to ensure trainees are learning the latest skills employers need. Even though the first class was small, Spring believes the class sizes will continue to grow.
Friday, November 10 at Luna Community College was the graduation ceremony for Scharf, Rodriguez-Salazar, and Roybal who completed their Digital Works training, making them eligible for a variety of positions. These three women are now fully equipped with the skills to secure a work-from-home job and begin their new career.
For more information and to apply for Digital Works go to www.digitalworksjobs.org and click the red “Apply Today” icon. Simply fill in the information required and select your desired training location.