Fort Campbell, Kentucky (October 28, 2022) — Are you feeling bored, tired, or burned out in your current position? Jealous of friends and relatives who love their jobs? Maybe it’s time to consider making a change. It’s never too late to start something new.
According to the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, about 80% of people ages 45 and older think about changing careers, but just 6% go through with it.
So, what’s keeping the other 94% from stepping out? Well, change can be hard. But you deserve a work environment that

Work From Home
complements your lifestyle and doesn’t stress you out. A work-at-home job may be just what you need. It is never too late to pursue a new career that offers a healthy work/life balance.
Be deliberate when choosing your next employer. A lot of companies out there are hiring, but you, and you alone, will ultimately get to decide where you will work. Keep in mind that it is much easier to make this transition if your values are in alignment with the company. Values tie the work you do each day to the overall mission of the organization, and help you stay motivated through every difficulty you encounter.
Also, make you sure you assemble a support system in advance. (This is vital!) Having a friend, neighbor, or family member who you can turn to and vent will help you navigate the early days in your new position. If possible, reach out to someone else who performs similar tasks. Their experience can be very helpful.
If you would like to brush up on your skills before making a change, our Digital Works program is for you! We can help you navigate the waters as you search for a new job, and provide support during placement. Visit us at for more information.
There is always a learning curve with every new experience. You can do it! We are here to help.
About the Author: Tammy Spring is the Operations Manager for Digital Works. Tammy is responsible for providing day-to-day oversight of Connected Nation’s Digital Works program, including a wide range of training, mentoring, and supervisory activities. These activities provide guidance for job placement and career growth.