Location Virtual Classes
Why Virtual?
- Digital Works, in response to the coronavirus outbreak, is now offering virtual job training in customer service, sales, basic technical skills, and career readiness, which includes interviewing, résumé/cover letter creation, networking, and mentoring. It also provides job placement support focused on remote, work-from-home employment.
Who Can Apply?
- Anyone who is interested in expanding their career options, regardless of military affiliation or location.
What Virtual Classes Offer?
- Over the course of two weeks, participants will have the opportunity to learn new online digital skills and be provided job placement assistance for online, remote positions. The virtual classes will include the same curriculum as the in-person classes, but students will now be learning in a virtual format.
How to apply now:
- Click on the ‘Apply Now!’ button below
- Select “Kentucky – Fort Campbell” as the Facility Location, then complete and submit the form.
- Check your inbox for an email detailing the next step

Meet Our Local Facilitators
Office Location
Digital Works, in response to the coronavirus outbreak, is now offering virtual job training to military spouses and veterans across the state. These classes are being taught online for a limited time and the program is being expanded and offered to military families and veterans living in Kentucky.
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