Fort Campbell, KY (June 28, 2021) – Gabby K, a hardworking and adaptable Digital Works graduate, was a substitute teacher in a public school setting and a childcare provider prior to the pandemic. “Although my previous work experience did not drive me to seek out remote opportunities, the idea sounded very attractive once Digital Works helped me realize that it could be a reality for me,” she says.
Having just moved to the Fort Campbell, Kentucky, area, Gabby became interested in remote work when the pandemic hit. “I found Digital Works through a military spouse Facebook page and got myself enrolled in the next available class as soon as I could.” Military spouses turning to each other for guidance is common in this community.

Gabby K
Over the year and a half that classes have been offered at the Fort Campbell location, it has grown into a phenomenal place for community and friendship amongst the students, who are all veterans or military/veteran spouses. They understand the struggles that their peers face when dealing with employment and the unique aspects of military life.
“I definitely did not expect the program to be fun,” Gabby admits. “However, I found myself looking forward to class with my classmates every day, which is not something I say lightly.”
Digital Works has truly become a one-of-a-kind program. Not only do students have the added opportunity of forming friendships, but they also learn valuable information related directly to the teleworking positions they are pursuing. “The transcription section during the Digital Works class prepared me for my current job. I must be able to type people’s information correctly and ask them to repeat or clarify letters using the phonetic alphabet. I am very grateful to have been exposed to that during class!” says Gabby.
As an employee of a Military Spouse Friendly company, Gabby says: “My current employer knows that being a military spouse can mean that I need a very flexible schedule. I appreciate having a job that allows me to take leave with my husband when he’s available and is willing to accommodate for our uncertain schedule. What I like most about my current position is the flexibility it offers to me.”
“After telling friends and family about the DW program, they all want to participate to widen their credentials, too!” she adds. “I would 100% recommend the program to anyone looking for remote work, customer service work, or any work that involves communication with others in general.”