Fort Campbell, KY (January 28, 2021) – Military spouses are resilient individuals, and being married to someone who serves our nation oftentimes comes with sacrifices. It requires frequent moves for the whole family, meaning spouses are faced with having to relocate with the service member to their next duty station. They are left having to obtain employment in a new area that they are unfamiliar with and sometimes, that area is a completely new country!
Romualde, a native of West Africa, knows this all too well. She moved to Georgia several years ago to support her husband’s career in the Army, and from there, they moved onto Germany.

“It was hard having to leave my job to follow my husband,” she recalls. “I am not just a wife, I am also a mother of three boys aged 15, 13 and 3. When I was in Germany, it was not at all easy for me to find a job with a small child in my arms, and I had to stay at home, unemployed, for those three years”.
After the family left Germany, they moved to Kentucky, where Romualde learned about the Digital Works program from a friend. “I had never heard of a program that helped military spouses and veterans find remote work opportunities,” she says. “Managing my time as a mom while working from home are what motivated me to sign up and complete the program.”
The program instilled a lot of confidence in Romualde. “I always thought that my language would be a barrier for me, and I was afraid that it would limit my possibilities. I discovered that I had the potential to use my knowledge of the French and English languages to help employers bridge a gap between their customers. I have already found myself putting certain points that I learned during the training into practice. The part of the course that most impressed me was learning how to handle difficult and upset clients and understanding that different situations can be handled differently.”
“I want to thank the Digital Works team for their support and all that they do,” she says. “I will not forget them or Tom Ferree, who took the time to congratulate us on the day we graduated from the program.”